Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat.

Interactions between lifestyle and genetic factors cause the development and progression of a spectrum of chronic conditions. While prescription medications are powerful and improve the outcome of disease, they don't address the root cause of the disease. Hence at IOH, we have focused on building our solutions on the principles of Lifestyle Medicine, which address the root cause of diseases
Our mission is to alleviate the burden of chronic lifestyle diseases on individuals and families by providing an evidence-based lifestyle therapeutic approaches, complimenting modern medicine. In the process, we aim to facilitate the interconnectedness of human health with the environment and sustainability and also facilitate further research and innovation in the field.
To play a lead role in the current Health care revolution in advancing evidence-based Lifestyle medicine as the primary line of management for Chronic lifestyle diseases and thereby create a sustainable healthcare model. Aim to touch 1 million lives by 2025
Therapeutic Lifestyle Interventions developed and delivered with the help of Intelligent technologies under clinical supervision.
Basic Principles of Lifestyle Medicine form the backbone of our smart solutions. Principles of Behavioural Neuroscience and Behavioural Epigenetic drive the behavioral adaptation. The services are delivered through Smart Technology with the right amount of Human Expertise intervention.
Read MoreBasic Principles of Lifestyle Medicine is the backbone of our smart solutions. Principles of Behavioural Neuroscience and Behavioural Epigenetic drives the behavioral adaptation. The Services are Delivered through Smart Technology with the right amount of Human Expertise intervention.
Finding a personalized plan is as easy as scrolling down, picking out the session that matches.
Read MoreOur expers will monitor each meals and physical activities within a day span.
Read MoreObesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat.
Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar
Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess androgen levels
Hypertension is a medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated.
Body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells, but high levels of cholesterol can lead to heart disease
Hyperuricemia occurs when there's too much uric acid in your blood. It can lead to several diseases
Chronic kidney disease is a condition characterized by a gradual loss of kidney function over time.
Osteoporosis means “porous bone.” Viewed under a microscope healthy bone looks like a honeycomb.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine.
Therapeutic lifestyle changes are to be adequately screened, identified, and given focused advice on health behavior change, one at a time. And the right balance of Science, Human expertise and Smart Technology can bring about an extraordinary result in bringing those desired behavioral changes.
This is to understand where you are at present with respect to
your overall health.
Assessment: Provide certain body measurements to the
App and helps
to understand your body composition and fat distribution.
Health and Lifestyle Assessment: One
of our clinicians will interact with you to capture your medical
and current Lifestyle factors. Recent Lab report may be required
in most cases.
Based on the inputs, a unique TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle
Changes) Profile or Wellness profile is created for you. The
inputs obtained from Anthropometrics, Medical history, Lab
report and lifestyle determines the Lifestyle Intervention
Based on the TLC profile, your dietary
recommendations, coaching, physical activity guidance, other
lifestyle interventions are planned. The duration of
intervention needed also largely depend on
the TLC Profile.
Induction phase includes an initial set of coaching and some
tools and personalised recommendations.
Coaching & Mentoring: We provide you an
initial set of coachings
and recommendations based on the input from Assessments. Initial
coaching will introduce few concepts, once you master those
skillset, we plan the next set of coachings.
Recommendations:Once we assess a person’s health
profile, a tailor made recommendation is made for you.
Once coaching and personalised recommendations are done, our
Nutritionists-Guides will keep monitoring your progress at every
The real time feedbacks helps you correct nutrient
and form Healthier habits. Constant reminders and motivations
help you stay on track irrespective of challenges from other
dynamics of life. Our Lifestyle physicians will provide weekly
lessons and
feedbacks. The feedbacks are based on the progress through the
Once you achieve your goal, you can either continue with our weight maintenance program or continue the same lifestyle.
Click here customised solution for Individuals
Click here for Customised solution for Clinicians & Hospitals
Click here for Customised solution for Corporates
Click here for Customised solution for schools
"I failed at multiple attempt. IOH gave me the confidence to start all over again. With IOH, I learned the nuances of Nutrition which i apply at home now"
Dr.Jane Jacob is a busy Gynecologist. She was around 96 kg when she joined IOH. In spite of her hectic schedule, she found time to upload her meals, followed the recommendations 80% of the time. She kept updating her progress every time. With a childlike enthusiasm, she celebrated every single achievement in her journey.
"I decided to do a 90 km run in Iraq and was not sure if my fitness level was up for it. Came across IOH and just jumped in. I was not able to adhere to their dietary advice, with their continuous support, soft but firm approach psychologically helped me and I succeeded following a healthy lifestyle."
Sakalain Mekhijee was a media person who says He has an attitude of “Know it All” kind of a person and hence was very adamant to follow any guidance. But with the right knowledge transfer and feedback calls, he got used to the system and adapted to the lifestyle recommended. He lost around 17 kg and completed his 90 km run with a good speed.
"My issue was majorly a bulging stomach. I tried multiple sting to get rid of the mid bulge but never was successful till i approached IOH"
Kshama, an entrepreneur and fashionista was on the overweight side with a bulging belly.. Though majority of dresses could cover her fat, tummy always protruded out.. She underwent her assessment and attended the coaching and started following the recommendations. She started realizing how bad her diet was earlier. She put an effort to understand the concept well and started adapting well
"I was not able to lose the last 10 kg to reach my goal weight. It was never a diet the team advised, rather I was educated about lifestyle change and how to manage the eating pattern."
Anupama is a runner, she lost a good amount of weight when she joined us. She approached us with the intention to lose the last 10 kg and gain her muscle mass and skin tightness. She was already leading a very disciplined life with respect ot her physical activity etc, hence it was way easier to build dietary discipline to her. She took up each of the recommendations seriously and kept interacting with our team almost daily
"I realised the need for a Lifestyle intervention as my health was going bad. I was looking for holistic change in lifestyle which only a team like IOH. could do"
Sachin Chandavarkar is in leadership position in an MNC. He was undergoing multiple issues and wondering where to start. Our team took him through incremental changes in his dietary habits and other aspects of lifestyle. Within 3 months, he lost 12 kg and his waist circumference shrunken by 6 inches. The lab parameters of metabolic diseases showed drastic improvement
"With multiple interactions with IOH team, I finally realized there is not MAGIC..But you can device Wiser strategies to lose weight and regain all my health. When I did my lifestyle assessment with IOH, I understood how my lifestyle was contributing to my weight gain and all other aspects of well being. "
Elizabeth came to IOH in the mid of 2017 with multiple issues. Weight was a major problem with her. She visited us multiple times before taking a decision to go ahead with the plan. She was fully convinced when she decided to take up the plan. Now she advocates IOH to all her friends and family
"I was always been on the overweight side and tried many ways to lose weight but was not very successful. Ever since I have joined IOH my weight loss journey has become simple and easy. "
Manuja Soni joined IOH post her child birth. She was always on the obese side. She belibved she will never lose weight as whoever she meets told her she wont lsoe weight as she is Kafa prakruti and has PCOS too. She is a perfectionist and followed the recommendations to the core and in the first month itself she around 6 kgs and now at 20 kg loss. She imbibed right eating habits and controlled food cravings, got rid of junk with the help of our team.
"I'm a marathon runner and my main concern was overweight and high waist circumference. I have tried over 2 years to reduce my weight but in vain. My time with IOH was an amazing learning experience and identified the mistakes in my diet. "
Look at Charan Bhoopalan, he came to us to lose the last 10 kg which couldn’t lose with running. He also wanted to improve his running performance and Endurance level as he was planning multiple competitive events. His major issue was large portions of grains and lack of enough proteins in his diet. In just a span of 8 weeks, he lost 7 kgs and 8 cms from the waist.. He achieved his target speed in 10K within 3 months
Anupama joined us to lose the last 5 kg of her goal to achieve her Ideal weight. She also wanted to get into Healthy eating practices.